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Monsters: The Dead - Pandora's Box

Monsters: The Dead - Pandora's Box

Regular price $39.00 USD
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You'll get all the same items as you would from the Kickstarter.

Includes Monsters: The Dark, The Deep, and The Dead (plus all promos and stretch goals from the Kickstarter), contained in a massive box. Includes slots for all current and upcoming sets (The Dark, The Deep, The Dead, The Dinos), plus space inside for the Limited Edition box for those who have that already.

This doesn't automatically include the Baby Koalas expansion or the Love & Hate expansion.

Dimensions: 7"x5"x3.7"
(175mm x 125mm x 95 mm)

The third cycle of the "Monsters" series features the cinematic 'slashers' of 1974-1990.

2-4 players; 10-15 minutes, ages 10+

All monsters and tactical cards (neutralizers) have powers unique from the cards in the other cycles. This third set adds a neutral area called the Dead Zone, which represents a parallel dimension, dream realm, or comatose hallucination. The Dreamstalker can trigger a card in the dead zone, the chainsaw-wielding Butcher or the machete-wielding Slasher can send monsters there, and Reanimation Serum can bring back a monster.

Each monster has an ability such as triggering the top card of your discard pile. You don't play cards from your hand; you take cards from a 4-card pool and trigger the card as you take it. At the end of the game players discard down to their best 2 cards. Then, tactical cards (neutralizers) destroy their corresponding monsters, and the player with the best surviving combination of cards wins.

Draw a card from the Pool, say its name and number aloud, and trigger/resolve its primary ability. (If another card gets triggered, reveal it and resolve it.) Fill the Pool back to 4 from the face-down deck. At the end of your turn, if you exceed your hand limit (3 cards), discard excess cards face-down to your discard pile. When the draw deck is empty, continue taking turns until everyone has had an equal number. Then Resolution begins.

RESOLUTION (combine / score your 2 cards)
All players discard down to just 2 cards. In turn order, each player dramatically reveals their highest-number card. Then they reveal their other card. Resolve all Neutralizers. The player with the highest total score wins the game. If there is a tie, the tied player with the highest-value surviving Monster is the winner.

At the end the game have the highest combined point total between your final 2 cards to win.

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